Camdenton, MO


What is Tuberculosis?

·         Tuberculosis is a contagious disease that usually affects our lungs. It can be spread by droplets caused when an infected person coughs, sneezes or spits. Symptoms can include cough, chest pain, fatigue, unintended weight loss, fever, night sweats, skin rashes, nausea, itchy skin and a jaundiced appearance.


Preparing for a Tuberculosis skin test

Have you had a BCG vaccine?

·         While not commonly given in the United States, the BCG vaccine is administered to babies in certain countries where tuberculosis is common. If you have had the BCG vaccine you may have a false positive reaction to a TB skin test. It is important to tell your doctor about your vaccination status so that the appropriate testing is ordered.

Have you received an MMR or Varicella (Chickenpox) vaccine in the last month?

·         Vaccinations with live viruses will interfere with the TB skin test reaction. It is important to either get the TB skin test placed the same day as your vaccines or please wait a minimum of four weeks after your vaccinations to ensure an accurate result.


What to Expect

A small needle will be used to place the tuberculosis antigen underneath your skin (typically on the forearm) which will create a small bump. It is important not to scratch the site or cover it with a bandage. You will then return to our office 48-72 hours after placement to have the site assessed.

Call today to schedule an appointment. (573)346-5479

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