Camdenton, MO

The Camden County Health Department (CCHD) provides Childhood Immunizations. All childhood vaccines are offered.

  • Please call to schedule an appointment. 
  • Please bring a copy of your child's immunization records when coming for shots.
  • Children under 18 years of age MUST be accompanied by a parent or guardian to receive immunizations.

  We continue to provide free vaccine through the Vaccines for Children program for clients:

  • who have Medicaid; which includes Missouri Care, Health Care USA and Home State
  • who have no health insurance
  • who are under-insured: the definition of under-insured includes;
    has private insurance that does not provide vaccine coverage
    does not cover certain vaccines
    does cover vaccines, but has a fixed dollar limit or cap for vaccines
    does not include those with an unmet deductible or who are unable to pay the deductible 

If a client is fully insured, we are now able to bill most private insurance companies for most childhood vaccines and certain adult vaccines through the VaxCare Program. Please check with your insurance company before coming for shots.

If you have further questions, please contact the Camden County Health Department at 573-346-5479.

For more information on childhood vaccines:


For more information on adult vaccines:


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